The Sclero Connect
Christy McCaffrey
After losing her mother to Scleroderma in September of 2009, Project Scleroderma founder, Christy McCaffrey, reached out to patients living with this disease to gain a better understanding of what it was exactly that quickly and aggressively took her mother’s life. Through her interactions with patients, Christy learned more about just how complex this disease is and just how difficult this disease can be for patients, both physically and emotionally. As a result, Christy was inspired to create an organization that would focus primarily on raising the global level of awareness of this disease, and thus Project Scleroderma was born. Today Project Scleroderma has empowered many patients all over the world by giving them a platform to share their story through documentaries and videos.

Jessica Massengale
Jessica has had scleroderma for 12 years. At the beginning of her diagnosis, she felt compelled to share her story with the world, through social media. Scleroderma Strong is a Facebook community where patients connect and relate to a myriad of struggles related to the disease. Blogs, documentaries, videos, and pictures come together to paint a realistic picture of what it's like to live with scleroderma.
Her passion is ignited to spread the message worldwide, and rally for comfort, support, understanding. and hopefully one day, a cure.

The Sclero Connect is a collaborative effort between Scleroderma Strong and Project Scleroderma. Our intention is to work with scleroderma patients to help raise awareness for scleroderma and to offer you some inspiration and encouragement along the way! We believe that we are stronger together and that to truly make a lasting impact for scleroderma awareness we need to work as a team, raising our voices to speak out and educate others!
We have found that when it comes to awareness, the power of social media cannot be denied. With just a click we can easily connect with thousands of people who have yet to learn about this disease. With this in mind, we have been working hard to create a tool kit of awesome resources to help you share our common message of awareness. Once a month you will receive an email from our team and you can expect to see the following:
Inspiring awareness videos to share on your social media accounts
Eye catching graphics/images to share on your social media accounts
A heartfelt blog written from a patient's perspective about different chronic illness aspects
Our goal is that this regular communication will also help all those involved to feel a greater sense of community and support. Thank you for your interest in The Sclero Connect and we look forward to putting scleroderma on the MAP.
Go Team!
Hey, you're awesome